Baptism (under 7 years)
Baptism for infants and children under 7 years is arranged through the Parish Office
Baptisms are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9am. We require a completed Baptism Application Form signed by both parents along with a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate, the Catholic parents Baptism Certificate and Catholic Godparents Confirmation Certificate. From there we book parents to attend a workshop which are held once a month in the evening.
Children’s Sacramental Program
The Brisbane Archdiocese has released a revised sacramental policy, which our Parish has implemented.
Children in Year 2 will no longer do their First Reconciliation in Term 4, as has happened previously. (The Reconciliation becomes part of their preparation for First Communion)
The Steps in the Sacramental Program will be:
- STEP ONE: Children (in year 3 or older) will be prepared to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation (usually by a Bishop)
- STEP TWO: The following year (year 4 or older) children will be prepared to receive their First Holy Communion. During the preparation, they will have a simple group celebration of Penance (Confession)
- STEP THREE: The year after their First Holy Communion (year 5 or older) children will prepare to celebrate more fully, the Sacrament of Penance – with individual Confession (First Rite)
Contact the Parish Office on 4124 3334
This year, the program in preparation for the Sacrament of Penance will begin in February 2025. The Parent Information Night is scheduled on Monday 3rd February at 6.30pm, at St Joseph’s Church. Enrolment form is now available for download:
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
While this rite was formulated for those adults seeking Baptism, it is also commonly used for those adults who are baptised in other Church traditions recognised by the Church, but who wish to become members of the Catholic Church.
The process involves meetings to learn and discuss Catholic Christian beliefs and teachings. A number of rites signifying stages of the journey are held during the Mass, so that the whole community can be involved. We are regularly ‘sent forth’ after the homily, and go with our group to reflect on God’s Word for the day.
Apart from the Catechists each candidate is supported by a sponsor whose role is to support those in the RCIA programme and to accompany them on their journey of faith.
Contact the Parish Office on 4124 3334
Hervey Bay Catholic Parish requires at least 6months notice prior to setting your wedding date.
Please print the below form, fill in the required information and along with your Birth Certificate and Baptism Certificates please bring into the office where an appointment with Father can be made.
Contact the Office Monday to Friday 8.30am to 2pm on 4124 3334